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TWWR Round up 01/08/2024– Out With the Old, In With the New

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I’m back after a short break. I hope you guys had a fantastic Christmas and New Year’s.

First, some housekeeping. Now that Repeat is finished, I’d like to rotate Lost Scent into my coverage starting next week. I’ll also be adding Shadowed Fates once I’m able to catch up to the newest pages. A new year seems like a great time to explore new comics.

Africa 01082024

Africa | Page(s): 353 | Patreon

Safari is very much on his last legs here as he ventures into the swamp. When he cried out for water back at Hyena Hill, I thought he might be heading to the water tank where his sister met her end. Reddog F.13 correctly pointed out that he was heading to the swamp. Given that Safari is now seeing his sister, means he might not be around much longer. Her presence might be leading him to the afterlife, or he may be fully delirious. He’ll likely just keep walking until he drowns or encounters another predator. It’s likely Faida’s hyenas didn’t follow him to the swamp, but there are crocodiles around. One did take down the elephant in the swamp some time ago. There’s no reason why they wouldn’t see an old cheetah in a trance as an easy meal. I’m worried that Mondo’s efforts to save his uncle might be in vain.

Repeat 01082024

Repeat | Page(s): 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261| Patreon

Repeat has finally finished. I did like the ending. Escaping the cycle with more violence wasn’t the answer. It was having Sol share their emotions with Lun, and then having Tilter guide the moon through those emotions. It would be fair to ask why this solution wasn’t proposed sooner. I believe it was because Sol had to grow and experience a multitude of other emotions. It took more than being raised in a loving pack. It took meeting wolves like Babble and Tilter to help them see a new perspective and to be reminded that there are other ways to solve problems outside of resorting to violence. The was plan thought of by Sol and Dawn, and seemed to hinge on them losing, Lun being restrained enough for Dawn to merge with them, then being guided by Tilter– the same way the young wolf guided Sol. It’s a nice reminder on how small acts of kindness can lead others to a better place. Part of me also finds it amusing that if the Dusk hadn’t been taken out by Honey by accident, this plan might not have gone so smoothly.

I really liked the idea of all the surviving main characters going on their own personal journeys to grow and see the world– this includes the Dawn and Dusk being granted their own freedom. The wrongs Lun has done will eventually fade from the memories of wolves, including the terrible practice of burying wolves with mismatched eyes. All the wolves hurt by the feud will likely never forgive the moon (and that’s okay). Redemption for this character will come not from being forgiven, but by no longer hurting anyone, and simply living their best immortal life. The same can be said for Sol, as they also hurt and killed others. They’ll likely continue to live on and remember the wolves who touched them in life. Without being killed in the cycle, they can keep those precious memories forever.

Repeat ultimately sits in a weird place for me. I didn’t like it as much Doe of Deadwood or A Flightless Bird, but I enjoyed it more than Roar Howl Run. It is a comic that had an intriguing start, a middling middle, and a strong ending. The more I think about the comic, the more I feel getting to see more of Lun’s perspective would have really helped. For much of the comic, they were a black box of violence and dedication to the cycle. For the most part the audience had to infer that Lun went through very few (if any) reincarnations and Sol had multiple forms because of their tendency to lose their fights. In short, the moon was clever, and the sun was kind of dumb. The sun became attached to mortals and their power was to invigorate anyone or anything that listened to their song. While the moon’s power was drive others insane and to control them. I suppose with those powers, it’s not surprising Lun never attached themselves to anyone before they had an empathy transplant from Dawn.

At the end of the day, this comic explored the age-old story of the sun and moon fighting. Having them represented as wolves tossed down to earth because of their quarrels was a nice twist. Although I guess we’re also to infer that their heavenly bodies just rise and set without issue after being separated from their warring personalities. Which brings me the topic of world-building, or the lack of it within this comic. It would have been fantastic to know more about the other gods and how they affect regular mortals outside of Sol and Lun’s cycles of violence. We know Bor has many children, but do other gods have a purpose in this world? Bor exists because of Sol’s actions. Is there a god of water? Air? What about other heavenly bodies?

I get this story was supposed to have a tight scope and focus only on the sun, the moon, and the wolves they directly effected. Still, knowing a bit more about the world would have been a boon to this story. It strikes me as odd that we have two gods and their servants causing such a ruckus, and Bor is the only other god to intervene. In contrast, Doe of Deadwood managed to explore its world and the nature of demons all while staying focused around the main cast. All I wanted was that type of world-building in this comic.

Repeat had its own peaks and valleys in terms of story and plot, but it was mostly a hopeful story.

If you’re curious, Songdog has started uploading their latest comic, I Didn’t Know on ComicFury. I’m going to carry the hopeful message from the ending of Repeat and go on my own journey to explore other works by other authors. I won’t be checking out IDK beyond the few pages I’ve already read. The story seems intriguing and friends like it so far, but I’ve had my fill of SD’s works having followed them since 2018. For me, A Flightless Bird was the absolute peak in terms of their story telling, and I haven’t enjoyed anything nearly as much. This includes collaboration comics such as Rabbit on the Moon. Couple that with last year’s blowup on DeviantArt, and Repeat going on hiatus for nearly a year, and I think I’ve had my fill of controversy from an artist’s work I haven’t been enjoying as much. For those of you intending to follow SD’s newer works, I hope you enjoy them very much!

Tcas 01082024

To Catch a Star | Page(s): 423, 424, 425, 426| Patreon

It feels like To Catch a Star is starting to enter its final arc. Sleepy confirmed this comic would wrap up sometime this year in her 2024 teaser. We finally see Backlash meet with Danger, and the meeting is not quite what I expected. The topic of Ray was brought up, but the subject of his death was avoided. I suppose this is because Danger is way more interested in finding a better way to live than relaying the information of his demise to Backlash. The reveal itself will likely come from Takedown as the younger wolf realizes his older brother’s violent and malicious tendencies. For now, this conversation between leader and former pack member could be the impetus that gets the white wolf to find her own way in the world, or to join the trio on their own quest. Better yet, perhaps she’ll leave with Tussle and Sweep as those two ladies deserve to find a better pack as well.

As Backlash tells his leader everything he’s learned during his journey, Shadow and Lupi wait for him in the distance. For the first time Shadow asks Lupi for their opinion on the journey. She brings up an interesting point that with very few exceptions, they’ve just gone with the flow. The only time we heard an adamant “no” was when Backlash suggested they go with the Supernova to collect the stars. We finally get to hear Lupi’s own thoughts, and despite the wild ride the sun wolf simply wants to be with Shadow and Backlash. They’re happy, and I suspect they appreciate being treated as a normal wolf instead of a deity or a thing to be killed over and over. To them the journey is more important than the goal of collecting stars.

On another note, it’s amazing how little we got to see of Lupi’s true thoughts throughout much of this story. There’s so much going on with their decision to choose the name “Lupi” for themselves, the mythology of the sun and the moon in this world, and that strange dream where Lupi appeared as both a Nova and a Dusky. Add to that, the fact that the Supernova are holding on to the moon wolf, and there’s still so many questions that need answers. I’m just crossing my fingers that it all wraps up satisfyingly without the ending being rushed like in White Tail.

Orderoftheblackdog 01082024

The Order of the Black Dog | Page(s): Issue 27, page 26| Patreon

On the cusp of preparing to summon Kenazil Julia and Melissa take a break to share an intimate night together. There’s not much else to this page, other than a bit of downtime. It could be a bit of passionate calm before the storm of unleashing the Black Dog. The significance here is that after spending so much time unwilling to touch Mel, after The Black Idol incident, Julia is finally comfortable around her girlfriend again. A few issues ago, she couldn’t stand to be physically touched without thinking about the idol. Now, Julia’s able to move forward. I suspect once Kenazil is unleashed, the girls are going to need each other more than ever.

It feels like the issue is coming to an end. I’m just curious if it will leave us on a calm moment or a cliffhanger. It can go either way, as The Order of the Black Dog has always been a slow burn at times. As for this page itself, I can’t say I’m a huge fan of the lighting, or the lack of lighting. The scene is too dark, and it’s difficult to make out what’s happening. It’s pretty clear the girls are getting it on, but I had to rely on the page’s transcript for better details. Again, I’m not a fan of the switch from full color to limited colors. Yes, the author has given her reasons, and I fully understand them. However, that doesn’t mean I can’t lament having full color when this comic has been full color for well over a decade now.

Goldenshrike 01082024

Golden Shrike | Page(s): 251| Patreon

We have yet another page filled with ice-breaker games as a way of the group getting to known Boneslav better. The fact that Nero, Runi, and Kasko deserted their herds has been known for much of this comic. (Though I would argue Nero and Kasko were actually banished, while Runi is the only true deserter here.) The characters themselves have never really sat down and discussed the implications of leaving their herds, especially after confrontation. Nor do they seem ready to actually talk about it, especially Kasko. He wouldn’t have come clean if it weren’t for Nero and Runi forcing the truth out of him. So that makes me wonder how Bonslav sees his traveling companions. Unlike them, he was sent off by the herd on a mission and everyone gave him their blessings. It must be odd to travel with a bunch of deer who are more or less outcasts.

I’m also curious as to what the quiet stonekrovn will reveal to the others. Will he keep it brief, or will he actually reveal a bit more about himself? Does he even feel comfortable with his traveling partners? Or is he feeling secure in his knowledge that he’s the strongest of the group, and that no one’s a true threat?

Home 01082024

Home | Page(s): 831| Patreon

We finally learn of Ronja’s big decision. In the end, she’s not going to merge the Meteor Tribe with another tribe, nor will she dissolve the tribe. They’re going to be relocating and renaming the tribe. Since page 832 is out, there’s no point in sitting on the name for a week. It’s been renamed Nordgarde, which reminds me of Tess Garman and Teagan Gavet’s Nordguard graphic novel. (Honestly, a vastly superior comic about dogs. And look they realistically use tools because they’re anthros!) But I’ll talk about the new name and location of the tribe next week, because I’d like to focus on page 831 for this particular roundup.

About five to six days have passed since the attack (I counted), and Ronja is only now making her decision. To me this decision feels like it has come hundreds of pages too late. I honestly think the Meteor Tribe should have been relocated either after the second rebellion OR once Ranach was banished. At that point the viscountess knew about the tribe’s problematic history, and there was no good reason to hold on to the past and try to reform it. The males who wanted in could have stayed, while those who wanted out could have joined Ranach, like Ulfr ultimately did. Ronja probably would have gotten a more favorable reception at the Tinget had the MT already been renamed and relocated.

There was also a moment where we thought Ronja would join with Whispervale Tribe, and keep her rank as viscountess, but under Jarl Fraujar. I wouldn’t have minded that either. It would have been a fantastic way to merge several plot lines at once, and have some of the Asmundr pack get back together. I.e, Ronja, Keirr, and Roamer would all be in one location. For whatever reason, Kique does not want this to happen, so we have more artificially forced drama. So let the relocation happen. Given Ronja’s anger in the fourth panel and Fraujar’s words, I get the feeling Nordgarde won’t be garnering a peaceful reputation. It’s just going to be a warrior tribe, sans the kidnapping and sexual assault that defined the Meteor Tribe’s infamy. (I guess, that’s an improvement.)

I will say, I do appreciate the fact that this page uses nice colors. The sky and atmospheric lighting look good. It shows you this author can put out nice looking pages when he tries, but he rushes pages out because they look mostly “good enough.”

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11 comments TWWR Round up 01/08/2024– Out With the Old, In With the New

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BreadBuster says:

The nice colors and atmospheric lighting are a tool to hide the bad writing. Change the dialogue of these characters to “from this day on I will drink bleach instead water!” and its the same. Its stupid but the graphics are pretty. Kique probably knows this is really lame so he put more effort on this page so his fans will talk about how badass this is instead finding the logic here.
-there’s an spirit in that land‚ it has been stated by rogio and by iberon
-they have five kids
-one of the kids just moved out. Feomeh dumped her kid in a tribe that has to move because the attacks and now is entering cursed land (mom of the year or misogynistic author you decide)
-the land is neighbour land‚ they are moving like 2 kilometres away
-them changing names and location serves next to nothing. They are still the same dogs‚ with logical writing‚ the other tribes won’t give a shit about this
-merging the tribe with Whispervale made the most sense. This was never about pride‚ it was about survival. Ronja now suddenly is very prideful. Shouldn’t you care about your tribe and daughters first? Mom of the year: the sequel (or sexism the sequel)
-again‚ she’s courting the leader of whispervale shouldn’t she want to be with him? They are for me the only interesting couple left but they are straight so they will probably lose anyway. Also women don’t deserve happy marriages
-Nordgarde or whatever is an awful name. Kargo are you stupid? Did dying damage your brain? Also this name was never mentioned before but fans probably believe so because this comic is almost 900 pages and they only remember doggy dick moments
-Akleja doesn’t have a single speaking line. This fact has nothing to do with this page but I wanted to point It out

Yeah fuck the last couple of pages and fuck this comic!
Also fuck Pralig

Changing topics‚ what blownup on Deviantart? I know about some Songdogx’s behaviour but not about that. Could you elaborate? I’m curious

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reddog f.13 says:

biggest instance was during roar, howl, run on the pages where ata was in a race against pom.
a lot of assholes came out of the woodwork to attack ata for “stealing from the tree.” and for “cheating” by tossing the apples. going on to say ata should have accepted defeat and basically accept being a baby making slave. that pom wasn’t bad and just proving a point/ doing whats expected of him. etc, etc.
comments got very nasty and song dog had to close comments/ clean up pages.
it all caused her to not want to post on DA anymore for mental health reasons. stopping repeat from posting on there, but continuing it quietly on CF.
i didn’t know was also completely private and it didin’t seem like it’d ever be shared publicly.

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BreadBuster says:

Ah. Thats bad. A lot of DA readers are pretty nasty. I thought the DA blownup was for Songdogx not acepting criticism or something like that. Didn’t we talk about this a while ago? I didn’t know It was the same issue
If they are happy just posting on CF good for them honestly

Silver Evil Pen By Nabisco Parodies
TWWR Online says:

Eh, I just wanted to point out the page has nice lighting– only because Kique has gone back to remove pages with atmospheric lighting. Suddenly it’s back. Still, nice looking pages won’t fix any of the bad writing as you said. I don’t have anything much to add to the points you already made, except for they’re all just really good. His sexism means the mothers in this story must of course be terrible mothers.

I’ll write more about the Norgarde name for the next page, but yeah, it was pulled out of Kique’s ass. I remember the OG pages, Kargo mentioned he wanted to start his own tribe some day. He didn’t have a name for it or anything. ALSO, not long after that moment, he and Roamer broke up, so the window for him to mention this off screen was pretty damned small.

The stuff with Pralig is…Yikes. Or at least the little I’ve read. I give it about a year before we hear about drama regarding those two.

As for the Songdog stuff, it’s a bit different from what Red mentioned– though that’s not to take away from all the shit that happened with Roar Howl Run, and bad faith arguments on DA. What I’m referring to is the end of RHR, where some people were harsh in their criticism of the comic (expressing their disappointment with it), plus SD occasionally snapping at commenters when it came to Repeat. For RHR, the last page was deleted entirely off of DA, instead of just turning off comments. Then Repeat went into hiatus for a year after moving exclusively to CF.

The situation reminds me slightly of when Kique got into it on DA and moved exclusively to SmackJeeves (before ComicFury). It isn’t one to one at all, as but having seen all this go down once in 2017 with Home. I’m not saying any of this has any bearing on what SD’s doing, but personally having been there once with another author who can be controversial at times when it comes to criticism. I decided I don’t really want to follow their work any more. I’d like to keep the better memories and just remain ignorant of the newer stuff. (On a similar note, once Home ends, I have no plans to follow future comics from Kique.)

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BreadBuster says:

Yeah its fine! I just wanted to point out that he prolly added the lighting to hide the cringe dialogue. Kinda sad that we get surprised as something as simple as asmospheric lighting with this comic though.

Pralig is literally a Roamer while Kique is a Rogio. He talks about how much he loves his dogs but allows an animal abuser into his house wow. I also give them a year max.

I didn’t notice the last page of RHR wasn’t on DA‚ its pretty childish‚ just remove the comments? I feel like that they moved to CF so they can monitore them. It’s kinda sad because for someone who deals with serious topics you would spect a more mature way of handling stuff. It really makes me not want to read their comics so I understand why would you not want to follow their newer ones.

Bad faith comments and tone deaf people are bad but that’s pretty different with others pointing out their opinion and trying you to get better. It’s not the same saying “this character should work as a baby maker” vs “I don’t think this character is doing something good and the storyline is disappointing me”. Yeah SD and Kique should kinda work on that.

Silver Evil Pen By Nabisco Parodies
TWWR Online says:

Yeah, having lighting for once won’t save the comic from how awful the dialogue is. It just blows my mind with how flat it and static it is, in addition to awful writing.

Oh yeah, I’d be shocked if Pralig makes it a year with Kique. His track records with exes and also making them co-writers is pretty bad.

Yeah, the last page of RHR was deleted. Comments can be turned off, but I wonder if some people can see them, even if they can no longer comment. Still, I think it was harsh criticism that SD just didn’t like, so the final page was just nuked. I completely believe that’s why the comic is only on CF, problematic comments can be moderated, and you can easily block users. So far from what friends have told me about their latest comic, I made the right choice by moving on especially since it has very problematic themes.

You’re absolutely right. I fear Kique and SD won’t work on those aspects of criticism, especially since they have so many people willing to praise them.

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reddog f.13 says:

you know, it really bugs me that the meteor tribe basically has no meteor crater anymore. it used to be this deep bowl and now its barely a mountain range in the distance. if even that.
that was kinda the whole reason for its prime real estate, massive protective walls with only that wooden gate for an in/ out.

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BreadBuster says:

Haven’t you pointed out this I would have forgotten they used to live in a crater. I guess the crater disappeared alongside the plot and logic

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reddog f.13 says:

we had a plot and logic?

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BreadBuster says:

You got me there…

Silver Evil Pen By Nabisco Parodies
TWWR Online says:

It’s wild that the crater disappeared after Ronja gained control of the tribe. It’s like Kique forgot it ever existed, or was too lazy to draw it anymore.

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