Comic Roundup

TWWR Round up 11/06/2023– The Parental Figures Are Setting Bad Examples

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My hiatus lasted longer than I wanted it to. On the upside, the surgery and recovery went well. I’m feeling much better these days. However, as I sat out on hiatus, I realized I didn’t like the prospect of writing about 10 webcomics each week. So after much agonizing over what goes and what stays, I’ve trimmed the list down to six. Still a bit much, but this number should be more manageable each week.

The Realm of Kaerwyn, What Lurks Beneath, Tofauti Sawa, and A Doe’s Salvation have been cut. To be fair, I think all the comics I cut are worth following, but I just don’t have the bandwidth to write about them each week. With a little time cleared up, I might be able to write more articles touching upon events I find interesting in the comics I cut, and others I’m following, but not actively writing about each week. Also, if one comic drops from the list, I’ll fill that space with one of the comics I cut.


Africa 11062023

Africa | Page(s): 344 | Patreon

The situation is quickly deteriorating at Hyena Hill. As Safari continues to beg for water, Nuru and her children close in on the ailing cheetah and Mondo. Frightened, Mondo screams for Africa who arrives just in time to push the starving hyenas back. Undeterred, Nuru tries to reason with Africa about eating Safari. The leopard tells the hyena not to approach her family and demands to see Faida. Meanwhile, a confused Safari rises to his feet and limps out of the den in search of water.

The end is near for Safari and I can’t blame the hyenas for wanting an easy meal. Especially since food seems difficult to come by in the drought. That said, Africa would never be cool with letting her surrogate brother be eaten alive, even if she was rescued by the hyenas months ago. Now that Africa is on the scene, I’m not too worried about Mondo’s wellbeing. Even so, I fear that a wandering, incoherent Safari might get lost in the shuffle if Africa ultimately gets into it with Faida about Mosi.


Repeat 11062023

Repeat | Page(s): 227, 228, 229| Patreon

Before I can get started on the latest pages of Repeat, I have to do some housekeeping here. First, Songdog now has a Patreon for Repeat. At the lowest tiers readers get to stay ahead of whatever comic is posting publicly. Right now that’s Repeat. However, her latest comic which until now wasn’t public (and it’s still up in the air if it will be), I Didn’t Know is a Patreon exclusive. So if you’ve been curious about I Didn’t Know there is an option to read it.

Sol and Lun’s battle continues, and the moon god gets the upper hand. They lecture the sun god about how the only thing that matters is the cycle and that mortals are worthless. Sol and Dawn both utter a “That’s not true,” as Tilter arrives on the scene with Planter. The forest god’s servant manages to entangle Lun in roots before they can finish off Sol. Unfazed, the mad wolf summons Honey who has been infected with lunacy. As Honey prepares to attack, Planter notes that Tilter has Sol’s influence and might be able to do something. So the young wolf howls, and it’s enough to snap Honey out of their lunacy. Bemused, the bear can only start to make sense of their surroundings as Sol lies motionless and Lun is restrained. The moon god is both amused and very threatening.

As Sol goes to take on Lun, I’m kind of annoyed at how easily they were bested by the moon god. What was the point of all that planning, only to easily be tricked and dispatched? Seems like the sun can’t catch a break, especially with Babble now dead and Tilter in grave danger. I suppose the key to winning this battle may have something to do with Tilter, Planter, and Honey. If they can hold out long enough for Sol to wake up, provided Lun didn’t land a killing blow.

Honestly, I’m curious as how this is supposed to all work. Lun doesn’t care about anything beyond the cycle of feuding with the sun. As far as we’ve seen, they don’t care about any one beyond the Dusk. Sol can barely stay sane when confronting them. How on earth could a mortal move the heart of a heartless god that can only be put down by another god? I get the feeling the ending of Repeat might be unsatisfactory unless there’s an amazing twist coming.


Tcas 11062023

To Catch a Star | Page(s): 387, 388, 389, 390 | Patreon

I’ve swapped out To Catch a Star’s ComicFury link with the one from DeviantArt. While I believe CF provides a better reading experience, for some inexplicable reason Sleepy is seven updates behind DA. It happened during a week she forgot to post new pages, caught on DA and kept the update gap on CF. If you’re reading TCAS on ComicFury, I suggest switching over to DeviantArt– you don’t need an account to read the comic there.

Shadow continues to relay her backstory to Backlash and Lupi. Even after everything she’d done to fight against the Supernova with her own group of Meteors, nothing much changed. Her father died, her sister hated her, and all she really had left besides the Meteors was her anger. One day a friendly group of Duskies arrive, wanting to talk and in her rage Shadow kills a youngster who bears a striking resemblance to Backlash. The act leaves some her pack shocked.

Shortly afterward, she and her teammates are captured by Scorch and the Supernova. They kill Shadow’s friends, but tie her up as an example to other Nova. While she’s their captive, they constantly preach their racist dogma until Shadow starts to believe it. After being brainwashed the fanatic group threw her below the clouds. It wasn’t until she met Backlash and Lupi that she regained her sense of self and her memories slowly returned. The trio of wolves rest in their hiding place as they wait for Backlash’s old pack to leave.

It’s amazing that it took nearly 400 pages to get to Shadow’s backstory and learn that her actual name is Tillandsia. Not only that, we learn about her father, mother and sister, in addition to what the Meteors were. While it’s nice to have clarity, Sleepy has at least done a good job foreshadowing and hinting at Shadow’s backstory for quite a few pages now. To be honest, I expected Scorch to be her father because they have such similar builds. Instead, she’s just a nemesis to his group, and it turns out her mother left the family to join that group. Also, her actions indirectly made things worse for Blaze’s own efforts and broke up pack of Novas who were forced below the clouds. Still, Scorch was the one who forced Shadow’s pack into harsh conditions and spouted nonsense about cool-colored Novas being failures because they don’t share the colors of the sun.

We can see where Shadow got her religious dogma from when she first entered the story, and how she slowly moved beyond that as she accepted Backlash as family. If the Supernovas ever disband, I’d love to know what ultimately happened to Shadow’s mother.The immediate danger to the trio is of course Backlash’s old pack now being led by Takedown. That said, I’m sure Scorch is on their trail, having lost the special necklace used to track Lupi. Still, given the animosity Takedown has for his younger brother, things don’t look great for the group.


Orderoftheblackdog 11062023

The Order of the Black Dog | Page(s): Issue 27, page 18| Patreon

Mel and Julia finally find Rhoda in the strange desert village. It turns out the demon Tazim-Talash is in control of her body. Julia was able to see the truth, but Tazim-Talash assures the girls that Rhoda is unavailable, but otherwise fine. He offers to look over Mel’s findings, and notes she’s missing a key ingredient for the ritual to summon Kenazil, the black dog. Tazim offers a crystal for the ritual and as Mel reaches out for it, Julia pushes her hand away. The European wolf wants to know what the catch is for helping them.

First, since it’s been a while since I wrote about The Order of the Black Dog I have to comment on the slight change of style. The comic used to be in full color, but the color palatte has been severely limited. While it looks fine, it has been an adjustment to see new colors for the characters versus what I’ve been used to for the past decade. Sadly, this comic isn’t terribly popular, so the author admitted some changes had to be made for the sake of time.

Back to this update. I knew at some point Rhoda’s deal with Tazim-Talash would require something from her. I just didn’t expect it to come so soon in the story. Where is Rhoda and is she safe? I guess we’ll find out in a later issue. Julia’s caution is warranted, as deals with gods don’t come without a price. I wonder what Tazim will want from the girls, if anything. I also wonder what will happen when they summon Kenazil. Will she help rid everyone of the Black Idol as Mel intends, or will things go sideways?


Goldenshrike 11062023

Golden Shrike | Page(s): 242 | Patreon

Runi is confused as to why the Stonekrovn are treated as false-deer, after all they all have bird halves. Boneslav replies that grasslanders only see Stronekrovn’s teeth and consider them beasts. Kasko notes that may change soon given how quickly everything is shifting for the worse.

Since I’ve been away from Golden Shrike for a while, I have to comment on page 239. I’m kind of surprised that Nero (and some of the audience) is only now figuring out Cutlass and Riptail are a couple. I thought that was pretty well established when Nero and Runi first met them. I guess that fact went over Nero and some of the audience’s head. Anyway, these pages reveal that most grasslanders don’t like the Stonekrovn because of their wolf-like appearance, and the feeling is mutual. Having Boneslav with the group won’t make things much easier for them. Even so, I’m sure there are other deer curious about these deer, those who may be less prejudiced. Surely, everyone out there can’t be like the bucks who went around killing pups in their dens.


Home 11062023

Home | Page(s): 821| Patreon

Rogio and Diarko play tug of war with a rope as Kargo looks on. As Roamer approaches the group, Kargo asks if they can’t just hide the cub somewhere. Roamer replies they can’t do that, and Diarko asks what they’re talking about. Roamer reveals that the Forngrym’s mother is alive and is on her way to see him. The Meteor Tribe Baron asks if he wants to wait and to see her and the cub replies “Yes!” before running off. The trio look on as he runs off.

The last few pages of Home have been rough to get through. Let’s see a feline spirit has blessed Feaf with what might be her and Rhov’s children without their consent. Now we have Kargo being fine with keeping a cub for himself, despite the cub’s mother being alive. It would be one thing if she were abusive toward Diarko, but nothing has been shown suggesting that. It’s simply Kargo sees the cub as his own, and has no problem keeping him from his mother. What a disappointingly selfish turn for his character. Worse, Roamer’s the only one with any sense in this entire conversation. I can’t help but worry that the little Forngrym is going to end up joining MT despite the logic of going with his mother.

Even though the dogs have treated him kindly, he should still have a preference for his mother. She’s the one who raised him, even in a tribe run by an asshole chief. Diarko barely knows these dogs and even if they’re nice, he should be skittish around them. After all, he’s only known dogs as a source of hatred and food. Even with an open mind, he should have some reservations. Yet Kique wrote this character to automatically believe the dogs, and also be the one to convince his mother to go with them. There’s not even a moment of epiphany where she realizes that this tribe is so destructive, and she’s so downtrodden that she’d risk freedom rather than stay another day. And worse, the situation is so bad that even her young child can see it for himself. No, it’s the author wanting his favorite males to suddenly be fathers, so he drops this cub in their lap without doing any emotional lifting in this story.

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25 comments TWWR Round up 11/06/2023– The Parental Figures Are Setting Bad Examples

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reddog f.13 says:

Africa i’m annoyed at the overly convenient chui delivery by the jeep drivers. its become immersion breaking now.

and yeah, each new home page will be more and more a nonsensical chore to read. i check the comments each new page and see so many theory’s that are just plain false hopes. or the googoogaa-ing over the (we know they’re coming) hybrid babies.
and then the recent call out on one of homes admins, yikes. birds of a feather and all that.

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BreadBuster says:

I just know the hybrid babies will be the ugliest creatures on the planet. Maybe if author wanted something like this‚ it would have worked much better if Rhov stayed with Jahla and they accidentally had children and they tried to make their puppies feel acepted and shit since they would be part wolf‚ but no! bring impossible hybrids to the couple that just got together. We already got Ronja’s three bastard children and they don’t bring anything to the plot‚ why now with Feaf and Rhov??

Also totally agree with Chui‚ as much as I like Africa‚ Chui is getting annoying‚ I think hes my least favourite thing on this comic‚ I know It would be bad writing but I would be happy if he suddenly died and disappeared from the comic. Also I don’t know why humans are so interested on him when they literally got hyenas living with leopards and cheetahs.

Silver Evil Pen By Nabisco Parodies
TWWR Online says:

I was thinking a similar thought. It feels like he didn’t have Rhov and Jahla have puppies because he didn’t feel like creating a hybrid design for them. That’s in addition to getting bored with them as a couple. But yeah, them having pups in a racist dog world could have been an interesting plot, if handled well. Instead, we get Rhov and Feaf and hybrid cat dogs? What. It feels like Kique just wanted to Raimo and Zahira again with children.

I don’t get why the humans are so invested in Chui. I’d celebrate if he just disappeared from this comic. I enjoy the comic a lot, but his character and all the free passes he receives are incredibly annoying.

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BreadBuster says:

I’m replying here because It doesn’t let me reply your reply (uh).
Jahla and Rhovanion’s puppies would have been interesting‚ what a loss. Also Rhov and Feaf having children is such a middle finger to Raimo and Zahira‚ they couldn’t have any and their adopted one got killed. What. Golden lioness?? Bless them with a child instead?? Or just bring back their son. We are gonna get a page that suddenly explains that Feaf and Rhov wanted to be parents I guess.

I’m honestly convinced besides boredom‚ Jahla and Rhov broke up over Kique’s dog interests changing. Jahla breaking up with the german shepherd and getting together with an irish terrier with a similar name to Roamer. In real life‚ Kique got an irish terrier who he named Roamer. I guess he wanted her favourite female character to date a Roamer irish terrier because hes not that much into german shepherds anymore. The character being a gary stu proves my point a bit. Such bs‚ this guy can’t write romance (or any kind of relationship at all‚ but for a comic full of romantic relationships he surely is horrible at writing them)

I love Africa as well but the part of Africa’s family crisis and the hyenas is way more interesting than Chui’s plot. I seriously can’t stand him but at least he’s not Ranach.

Silver Evil Pen By Nabisco Parodies
TWWR Online says:

Same for me, I don’t know why WordPress is acting so weird. Maybe a site update broke something? I have to reply in the admin console!

Ugh, I wonder if Jahla and RomĂŠ are going to have puppies instead. Ugh. Also, it’s slap in the face to Raimo and Zahira for sure. The Golden Lioness should have started with them first, especially since they were already parents. And yeah, I’m betting that Rhov and Feaf will suddenly be cool with children even though Feaf joined the guild without the intention of having a family, and Rhov got with her knowing she was a feline. Now, if they’d expressed lament over not having children beforehand, that would make more sense.

It’s wild that he’s modeling this story on his current interest in his pets. It’s fine wanting to put his terrier in the story, but he flipped this story around just to make him get together with Jahla, while being an OP guy who reads the script. I wish he’d just finish Home so we can move on with our lives.

Chui’s actually slime and he’s not played up in a “pity me” sort of way. Still, I wish we’d table his plot at least until what’s going on with Africa, Mondo, Mosi, Safari, and Faida is resolved.

Silver Evil Pen By Nabisco Parodies
TWWR Online says:

For sure, Red! I found myself pretty angry when I first saw that. There’s research and tracking a subject, then there’s treating him like a damned pet. I don’t get why these humans are so invested in Chui. I’m only holding on to the hope that he’s relied so hard on the humans that he’ll eventually get some kind of ironic comeuppance.

Oh, I’ve mentally checked out on Home in some aspects. It’s just so bad. Honestly, if it wasn’t for you guys reading this blog and showing interest in a place to talk about it, I probably would have dropped it from my weekly reading. I don’t read the comment section much, but you have to have rock bottom expectations from Home so you’re not crushed by disappointment as a fan. That’s no way to enjoy a webcomic.

As for Home’s admin, yeah. That’s situation has so many red flags it’s unreal.

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reddog f.13 says:

i love coming here to read another roasting of home, can never get enough of it. we all know kique keeps his subjects in order or else on his site. seems every time he shuts down a discussion that’s fine, but critiquing his faves or pointing out his writing issue, a new flood of annoyed fans jump onto blogs like this and see the vast problematic history kiques gained for himself. very cathartic seeing a flood of more agreements that hes such a dick to people.

(also adding onto the reply waaaay below, because for some reason the reply button doesint exsist on it.)
yeah, there were a few comments that were extremely uncomfy to read. they really went after ata and said how, its her fault for accepting the challenge, she should accept her place with pom, she owes the clan for “stealing” from their tree, poms not bad – hes just proving a point/ providing whats expected of him etc etc.
song was quick to sweep them away at least and got 1 or two light-ish ones on CF as well and closed the page to clean them up before everything seemed okay again.

Silver Evil Pen By Nabisco Parodies
TWWR Online says:

Between this blog and a few on Tumblr, Kique will never be rid of people willing to call out how bad his story is and how bad he treats his fans. The funny part is, he does it to himself. He pisses people off and they end up finding places like these.

(I don’t know why reply button disappeared! I have to go through the backend of WordPress to reply instead of on the blog post itself. Weird.)

I guess there’s way too many people who seem themselves in Pom and that’s unsettling. That’s definitely a good case for power-washing the comments sections. And don’t be a creep.

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reddog f.13 says:

yeah, the reply button disappearing has actually been going on for a while. usually i got back late to replys becuase despite my email settings it notifys me of nothing. no new articles or replys etc for this blog.
so at first i assumed it was like a spam safety feature that had reply buttons “expire” to keep bots away from suddenly appearing on old articles. but it def seems to have gotten worse now. it was maybe every other comment it hid reply, now its gone 75%+ of them.

its very wonky on how it hides them too. because like the first comment and reply after may get reply buttons, but from there they disappear. even if its your convo and not like a third person hopping into the discussion. maybe still a spam protectent somehow? and its really bad here because of so many comments?

Silver Evil Pen By Nabisco Parodies
TWWR Online says:

Based on your reply about spam protection, I went ahead and checked the comments settings. I enabled a setting called “Enable threaded (nested) comments up to 10 levels deep.” That’s the maximum I could set it to, and it seems to work. I can reply directly to you from the post itself instead of in the admin console. Fingers crossed this solves the problem.


Though I don’t have anything set to close down comments after a certain amount of days. And everyone who’s been approved once by me should be able to comment again.

To be honest, this is my first site. For my other websites, I usually go with paid hosting and install WordPress that way. It allows for way more control than what you get on (I just didn’t feel like buying a third website for this blog.)

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reddog f.13 says:

yeah it def seems to have worked, i’m seeing a lot more reply buttons now.
the close down comments thing was just a guess as what the weirdness could be. i know some sites enforced something agressive like that to avoid bots flooding comments on old pieces no one double checks on.

Silver Evil Pen By Nabisco Parodies
TWWR Online says:

Good! The spam filters seem good enough not to worry about closing down old comments. Fingers crossed it stays that way. Heh!

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BreadBuster says:

I don’t get how Diarko’s mother is alive. Im sure Kique wanted her to die so his favourite gay guys could adopt a child which would be awful‚ killing a female and mother character in favour of the douche male trio.
Also “she’s here to SEE you”💀

Silver Evil Pen By Nabisco Parodies
TWWR Online says:

I’m thinking his original thought was to have her die, but maybe he realized how bad it would look. So instead she survived, but now can’t be with Diarko. As if that makes it better! X_X

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BreadBuster says:

Oh definitely! A blind cat who hasn’t eaten properly in weeks getting pierced by an spear in cold waters? He totally wanted her to die. Of course he did a page before thinking about the consecuences.
Now imagine if they can’t be together‚ a mother sending her son to this trio: the sex slave suporter‚ the anger issues murderer and the dog that stabs you in the back (quite literally) but it’s ok! It’s the gay saint trio who everyone loves!! Saint Roamer is the solution and females are evil anyway‚ mothers don’t deserve to be with their children.
Oh also‚ Diarko having more screentime in such short introduction than Ronja’s or Vandi’s kids‚ I wonder why (scoffs)

Silver Evil Pen By Nabisco Parodies
TWWR Online says:

Could not agree more! Kique hates women and that bias shows on pages like these.

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BreadBuster says:

I have been trying to get into SongDogx comics but I just can’t. The lack of speech bubbles is just bad and you would expect the art to get better after more than 3 comics and 600 pages‚ I know what’s most important is the writing but I can’t take it seriously when I don’t see any improvement and the characters look derpy each three panels. Also each page is a different size and It makes me nervous.

This all gets worse with Repeat‚ all the characters using they/them is confusing‚ sometimes I don’t know if they are talking about a group or an individual. Even the words mom/dad are dropped which I don’t see the point in.

Now theres absolutely nothing wrong with non-binary characters but all of them? it just becomes confusing. People are taking Iit as an smart move while I’m just?? Maybe this is just a me thing‚ I don’t know.

Songdogx personality doesn’t make it easier either‚ they seem… rather snappy. Someone commented on their DA that they didn’t see the point on not posting comic pages online and SD responded in a very rude way finishing with a “don’t engage with me ever again” that stuck with me. Digging a bit‚ they don’t see really likeable. Saying on DA they they wouldn’t post more of Repeat but then continuing it on CF without telling on DA is also a scummy move.

That’s why I apreciate people like Ratt and Arven‚ they are nice to their audience unlike Kique and Song.

Sorry for the rant 😅

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reddog f.13 says:

the thing about songdog is they do it strictly as a hobby. which i think people fail to see because every other comic works hard to keep building on themselves. ratt and arven aim to do it professional to publication standards while song just wants a story out and that’s the end.
its like someone posts some fun goofy fanfic then gets a swarm of comments about “buy this software for better edits, change the page size or else it wont cut correctly in print, theres not enough pages for a novel, wheres your book cover?” when no, thats not what the creator wants to do. its stricly a fun hobby she tosses out between her main job. so i can slightly understand the snappyness of constantly being told to improve this or that. for the longest time she didint want a patreon because then it drifts toward being a job. but maybe she changed due to all the inflation and needing the extra cash.

my problem with the they/them thing is that its not properly introduced into the comic. its just left as a notice in the description or maybe you’ll be told about it in a reply to your comment. its a bit hard to implement without going over a huge explanation of titles and workings blah blah. but you really have to present how/ who characters are otherwise it does get confusing and frustrating.
it feels like with them being animals, it should be easy. like, just don’t acknowledge gender at all and go strictly by names. instead of theys for groups you use various titles like “the pack” “bobs friends” “jimmys renegades” “aprils sister” etc etc. when not using a singular name.
ive read comics that do it well and give it care. but because songs comic is a hobby and is just to get a story out, she skips this to save time for the plot only. which has it overall stumble over the course. and cause frustration with people who mislabel or asking who so-so is talking about which is then made more frustrated if comments don’t answer or the author gets snippy.

the repeat thing on CF vs DA, yeah it annoyed me a bit too. but to be fair she had to close DA comments a few times due to some yikes behavior. of course you’ll go somewhere else and not want to inform all the possible yikers where your new house is. i agree overall they can be on the snippy side though and sometimes people don’t mean anything when stating something or asking a question.

overall, like i said, songdog is not a professional, theres no future for professional comic making. they are a flat out hobbyest putting out storys they want to, then swiftly moving to the next. theres no bigger plan for there storys then to get them out. if they choose to share them, there’s no reason for critique (although it should be expected/ braced for unless you put a big fat notice.) becuase the storys arnt going anywhere. You read them and enjoy the little ride, they end and thats it.

Silver Evil Pen By Nabisco Parodies
TWWR Online says:

Oh, I can’t add much more than what Reddog already said. I’ll share some thoughts of my own.

The lack of speech bubbles are annoying, and even this is a hobby for her, they make following the dialogue a pain at times. For one page of Doe of Deadwood, she experimented with speech bubbles and it looked so much better. I wish she’d stuck with them. When I was writing the summary of the particular set of Repeat pages for this roundup, I couldn’t tell if one character spoke or thought a line. I nearly screamed in frustration as I typed. As for the different size pages, SD has said she usually makes one big page when she works on them, and cuts them up into smaller pages. Fine for working on hobby project. It’s probably a good thing she’s not interested in print copies because a standard size would be a nightmare.

I kind of get what she was going for with the non-binary stuff. Animals in the wild probably don’t think about gender the way humans do, outside of it being time to mate or rearing offspring. That said, the concept is a little high-minded and I get why people would be confused. The usages of they/them are VERY dependent on context and that can be missed or becomes troublesome when multiple characters are involved. Like Red said, a disclaimer at the start of the story would have been helpful.

And yeah, SD could be more patient with her audience and even other comic artists not in her circles. I do think that despite the comics being a hobby for her, the fame she’s gotten has gone to her head at times. Plus she reads a lot of comments from the audience as attacks, when they’re not. (I’m not discounting the actual attacks or overly harsh criticism she has gotten.) But I do agree that if you don’t want critique let people know up front (some will still ignore this) or don’t post on your work online.

I’m baffled that people are upset she didn’t post her newest comic online, especially when so many people told her not to post publicly if she didn’t want critique. As for posting on CF instead of DA, it’s her choice if she wants to or not, especially given how combative things can become on DA. I get the appeal of wanting control over a comments section (I have to point out I have a similar kind of control here). That’s partially why I started this blog, as a place to critique as much as I want without an author telling me what I can or can’t say.

But yeah, Arven and Ratt/Doe Prince are much better to their audiences and unlike SD or Kique, they don’t try to control what people think of their characters, and are okay with critique.

No worries! Sometimes you just have to get out those frustrations.

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BreadBuster says:

If you forget the character’s font color you can get pretty lost‚ yes It has small arrows but you can’t even see them properly sometimes.
The lack of speech bubbles is one of the reasons I can’t get into her comics at all‚ I even tried to read her short story about tanukis and I just couldn’t.

With the gender stuff‚ animals in the wild don’t talk either‚ these are anthro animals but I get ya! Maybe could have worked if they applied it little better like Red said.

I don’t know how SD acts with other comics artist that aren’t in her circles. It is bad? If she takes criticism this personally she shouldnt read comments at all. I have seen that she also uses the “these are free webcomics” as an excuse. I mean I think you are still allowed to critique free things but okay.

I just have been really concerned about how some creators treat their audience. People are out there spending their time reading your stuff and giving you likes‚ yeah maybe she’s not winning money but they are giving her support.

With the DA thing I meant that she should have told people Repeat was continuing on CF. She told everyone on DA that she stopped posting comic pages online while keeping Repeat updated on CF. It’s great if she’s more comfortable on ComicFury but that was basically a lie and some DA followers who liked the comic have no idea its being continued. Maybe I worded myself badly here.

I don’t think any creator should try to control what others think of the characters‚ I get getting attached to them but you can’t expect everyone to like them‚ more so if they have questionable personalities.

I this blog because I haven’t seen others discuss animal webcomics. It’s great that I have a chance to rant about them. Thak you ~

Silver Evil Pen By Nabisco Parodies
TWWR Online says:

Very fair. It’s funny, I was thinking about the comic, A Doe’s Salvation. The author there started with similar speech bubbles like what SD uses. Somewhere along the way, the ADS author realized proper speech bubbles are better and went with those. I wish SD would do the same, but she’s stuck in her ways. I guess it’s just faster to write the dialogue, choose a font, draw the little lines and call it a day. *sighs*

Yeah, I do agree with you and Red that SD could have handled the gender stuff better. Honestly something as simple as an explainer page after the cover page would have helped a lot of people out, especially those that don’t always read comments or author’s notes. As for animals talking, yeah. Good point! I suppose it depends on how anthro the author wants the animals to be. It’s weird when it comes to what is essentially xenofiction.

I’ve been told from other webcomic artists that she can be short-tempered and sort of clique-ish with other artists in her comic server. Others said she was okay. So I guess it depends on who she sees as part of her circle. It goes back to fame creating a larger ego for SD. That’s not great. =/

I completely agree with you about critique and stuff on the internet. It’s out there for people to read and if they’re not giving you their money, they’re giving you their time. As long as they’re not assholes, critique should be find. Even some criticism. I’ve found that most people just want to see something like be better. And if someone’s willing offer your their time, you ought to at least hear them out. The same for your audience. The people are there for you. Don’t be an asshole to them. And if someone’s an asshole, remove them, don’t take it out on everyone.

Oh, I get what you mean with Repeat going to CF now! Yeah, I think it would have been good of SD to tell her fans on DA. I think I only found out because someone mentioned it to me, then I mentioned here, and someone else saw that as well. Again, SD has more control over comments there than on DA.

I feel the same way. If I created characters, I think I’d be more curious as to what people thought about them, not try to control what people thought of them.

And thank you so much! I run another larger geek/gaming focused blog and I wanted to bring some of that professionalism (if you can call it that) to the webcomics space. At least for the comics I’m following. I’m also glad to give people a space to talk.

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BreadBuster says:

Ah I see! All of these are fair points. I guess SongDogx’ works are not for me then and that’s okay.
With the they/them thing, if i’ts a hobby and you don’t put much effort into it then it’s expected to get people confused.
I didn’t know about the yikes I just saw some people just give constructive criticism and they don’t really deserve rude comments either‚ I think it’s expected when you post your work online‚ someone will comment about It and most of them don’t mean any harm‚ they just want you to improve. Assholes who are mean just for the sake of being mean are awful tho and no artist deserve those.
I guess I really have a gripe with how some artists or media creators treat their audience‚ thanks for the input!

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reddog f.13 says:

yeah, her storys are mainly for her and just kinda shared on the side. her most yikers commenters appered back when roar howl run was still posting. specifically around atas race against pom. where people got angry she “cheated” by tossing apples and knocking him out. which deep dived into she should have accepted her loss and become a sex slave/ baby maker ata deeply didint want to be. big yikes opinions all around then.
and there were a few smaller cases of transphobia or homophobia. the RHR race pages had the biggest arguments from what i caught though.

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TWWR Online says:

I knew about the comments that were angry that Ata “cheated” (nevermind about Pom being a creep), but didn’t know that people wanted her to be his sex slave. That’s gross. Like a Home super fan gross. I think it was the right call for her to shutdown comments on those pages.

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BreadBuster says:

From what I saw‚ some people tried to criticize Ata’s actions and other characters and SongDogx took It too personally. Some concerns basically said bad reviews weren’t allowed‚ I saw how she deleted one of these in DoD as well. If the comics are for her and just fun she definitely should post a disclaimer about not wanting criticism.
Now about the phobic comments‚ I’m glad there were at least on the smaller side and I hope those people got banned‚ that’s the kind of comments that shouldn’t be allowed‚ ew.

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